Famine relief blocked by bullets, red tape and lack of funding, warn FAO and WFP as acute food (...)

30 juillet 2021 | FAO-Newsroom@fao.org (FAO-Newsroom)
Efforts to fight a global surge in acute food insecurity are being stymied in several countries by fighting and blockades that cut off life-saving aid to families on the brink of famine, warn the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Food Programme (WFP) in a new report issued (...)
 Site référencé:  FAO


Vibrant youth gathering sparks ideas and actions to shape the future of our agri-food systems
Food security and water security go hand-in-hand
Feeding people while saving the planet - "Change the Game, Change the Future" online platform challenges youth with delicate balancing (...)
Starvation and hunger-related deaths a reality amid worsening food crises, says FAO
World Food Forum - Youth take charge of shaping the future of food at landmark event
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