Starvation and hunger-related deaths a reality amid worsening food crises, says (...)

4 octobre 2021 | (FAO-Newsroom)
With some of the world's worst food crises in recent years impacting tens of millions of people, there is an urgent need for specifically targeted funding for emergency livelihoods assistance and to build resilience, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) said (...)
 Site référencé:  FAO


Vibrant youth gathering sparks ideas and actions to shape the future of our agri-food systems
Food security and water security go hand-in-hand
Feeding people while saving the planet - "Change the Game, Change the Future" online platform challenges youth with delicate balancing (...)
2021 Innovation Award winners announced
World Food Forum - Youth take charge of shaping the future of food at landmark event
Indigenous Peoples’ food systems publication wins the 2021 Best in the World Sustainability Report Award