R21 anti-malaria vaccine is a game changer : scientist who helped design it reflects on 30 (...)

24 avril 2024 | Adrian Hill, Director of the Jenner Institute, University of Oxford
Malaria has been around longer than humankind. The endgame for this deadly parasitic disease is in sight.
 Site référencé:  The Conversation (Africa)

The Conversation (Africa) 

South Africa’s national student financial aid scheme has helped millions but is in trouble : here’s why
What’s the job of a company chair ? South Africa’s rules aren’t clear and need fixing
Comment nous avons recréé une ville africaine perdue grâce à la technologie laser
Hadeda ibises’ ‘sixth sense’ works best in wet soil : new research is a wake-up call for survival of wading birds with this (...)
The challenges African election bodies face go beyond ‘democratic backsliding’ – analysis
South Africans are abandoning smallholder farming – history and policy can help explain why